Rijuyuezhu's Blog

Record every drop in my life

NetEase Mailmaster(网易邮箱大师 in Chinese) is a mail integrated management platform developed by Netease. It provides a .deb package for Ubuntu 22.04. However, for other distributions and versions, installing it with correct dependencies is a bit toublesome. Using containers is a common way to handle this issue. Distrobox provides fantastic device compatibility between the container and the host, and thus is extremely suitable for GUI application containers.

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Distrobox is a powerful tool which enables us to run multiple linux distributions and versions simultaneously, and switch among them seemlessly. In addition to the basic features provided by distrobox, I write some more scripts to make it easier to use.

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VSCode CLI code <dir/file> is extremely convenient to use. It will open a VSCode session from the terminal. When using sshed terminal at remote, we do want to use such convenience. This tutorial will show how to run code from remote, then VSCode that runs locally will open the remote directory.

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Docker containers play an important role in modern software development. Having a CLI access to the container is common, but sometimes we need to expose a GUI from the docker container. Here is a tutorial.

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OT:在独立、覆盖和支配的基础上,形成了很多扩展的优化问题,例如最小权完美匹配问题(Minimum-Weight Perfect Matching)、最小连通支配集问题等,请调研至少2种问题(其中至多1种来自上述例子,二分图最大匹配问题等仅限制原始问题输入的问题不在调研范围内),讨论适用场景,形式化描述问题,为每种问题结合例子介绍至少1种算法的设计与分析。

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